
Time Warner Cable receives the first net neutrality complaint

Time Warner Cable has made history by being one of the first (if not the first) broadband providers hit with a net neutrality complaint. Virtual server and streaming media provider Commercial Network Services (CNS) has submitted its grievances against TWC to the FCC, claiming the company is violating net neutrality's "no paid prioritization" and "no throttling" sections. In its complaint, the company said TWC only gives it access to congested traffic routes and refuses to deliver its content through low-latency connections -- that is, unless it pays up.

TWC told The Register and The Washington Post that it does have free arrangements with operators "who exchange high volumes of traffic at multiple locations and where there is a mutual exchange of value," but unfortunately, CNS doesn't quality for the same deal. CNS has only filed an informal complaint for now, but it might file a formal one in the future. TWC, on the other hand, remains confident that the FCC will take its side. A spokesperson told The Register:

TWC's interconnection practices are not only 'just and reasonable' as required by the FCC, but consistent with the practices of all major ISPs and well-established industry standards. We are confident that the FCC will reject any complaint that is premised on the notion that every edge provider around the globe is entitled to enter into a settlement-free peering arrangement.

You can read the full complaint right here to decide for yourself.

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