A new law that decriminalizes the possession of small amounts of marijuana or hashish in Pittsburgh has taken effect with the start of the new year.

The bill, proposed by City Councilman Daniel Lavelle, was passed in December. It allows police to seize the drugs and issue a $100 fine as long as a person has less than 30 grams of marijuana -- about an ounce. People can have about eight grams of hash.

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"If you are found in possession of a certain quantity or less, you'll get a $25 ticket. If you're found smoking it and in possession of that amount or less, you'll get a $100 ticket," said Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto.

Councilwomen Darlene Harris and Theresa Kail-Smith voted against the ordinance, saying the city didn't have authority to make the change and wondering if it could cause problems with neighboring municipalities.

"I think it's the wrong message of making people believe that you've done something that you really haven't done," said Harris. "The police are still obligated through the laws of the state of Pennsylvania."

Public Information Officer Sonya Toler said, "The bureau will be reviewing the bill and will be able to offer comment at a later time."

The previous punishment for possession was 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Council members who voted for the ordinance said charges for possessing small amounts are often dismissed by local magistrates in favor of other charges anyway, and that a criminal conviction for possessing pot or hash unfairly keeps some people from getting jobs years later.

Vote: Are you in favor of the law to decriminalize marijuana?

Pittsburgh Police did not respond to questions about how they will handle the crime.