
SolarCity Will Eliminate Over 550 Jobs Due to Nevada's Anti-Rooftop Solar Decision

What's actually happening for anyone who realized the article doesn't even say:

They changed the way they handle power billing. Instead of just a per kwh rate, there are now two line items - a flat fee for infrastructure and a lower per kwh rate for the energy.

Since the cost of maintaining the infrastructure remains even if you don't use it (if you're connected) it does make sense to separate this out.

Unfortunately this means that the credit you get for selling excess power back is per the new lower kwh rates, so you're getting less back.

To make matters worse: they decided to do this RETROACTIVELY. This means people who signed up based on higher kwh rates may now face new bills going back to when they added solar. This part of it is particularly absurd.

The issue is going back to the council for a second review due to public outcry, so it may be changed. It's not final yet.

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