
Oregon militiamen asked for snacks and Reddit sent them glitter bombs

The group of armed militants who took over a little-used government compound in Oregon may have made a mistake when they posted their address on Facebook, asking supporters to donate supplies and snacks.

After posting their address online, several redditors decided that the militia could be a little more fabulous. Reddit user Skinc started the trend by saying that he has sent a glitter bomb — an envelope full of glitter (well known as the herpes of art supplies, since it gets everywhere and can't be removed). Glitter bombs became popular last year on the website, which does exactly as it promises.

Several other redditors jumped on the idea, but others were much more sadistic. Some redditors wanted to ship the militia a big bag of phallic symbols, while others actually suggested sending them pubic lice from a website that is somehow legal.

Reddit, like the rest of us, delighted in the numerous ironies in the militia asking for donations less than a week into the siege. The militia once claimed that it had enough supplies for years. Apparently not.

The anti-government folks in Oregon are also asking for donations through the USPS, which it somehow doesn't have a problem with. Funny to see the militia quickly stoop to asking for handouts, just like their socialist enemies.

[New York Magazine] Featured image via Twitter

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