
Teen Who Worked In Corner Shop For 10 Weeks To Afford Christmas Presents Told He’s On Unpaid Internship

  1. No need for a written contract for employment. Oral agreements are enforceable (though the terms are less certain).
  2. The article never said he didn't ask for his money over the 10 weeks. Just that he finally found out he was't getting paid after 10 weeks.
  3. This isn't necessarily going to court. More likely an employment tribunal, which has expertise in looking to the substance of the relationship, not the form (i.e. what kind of work he did and whether this would normally be done for renumeration).
  4. He is 15! How many people knew anything about employment law at 15?

Edit: This was mainly meant to clarify how it could play out procedurally, given some of the posts here. Some people here no doubt know much more about UK youth employment law than I do.

Edit 2: Check out /u/kwark_uk below. Seems to be a good explanation of what's going on.

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