
Minneapolis councilwoman publishes personal info of people criticizing BLM protests

- A Minneapolis city council member is under fire for posting phone numbers and home addresses of those criticizing the Black Lives Matter protests on Wednesday.  Alondra Cano has since taken her controversial tweets down, but they're still all over social media.

Many in the community think Cano went too far. The comments, sent through the city's website, criticize Cano's participation in the protests at Mall of America and MSP airport.

Laurie Grady said she wanted her voice on the protests heard by only Cano. Instead, the councilwoman tweeted Grady's message along with her email address to nearly 2,000 followers. And it spread from there -- Cano added the comment, "I hope one day you can understand why black lives matter."

"It was a chilling feeling," Grady told Fox 9. "Personally, I think she should resign for what she did. That's my personal feeling."

Another resident who submitted a comment to Cano had his address and cell phone number shared.

"I was shocked that an elected official would do this," he said. "I also think it puts a huge chill on our democratic society when we cannot communicate with our elected officials using the city's communication system without the fear the public officials will retaliate against us."

Councilwoman Barb Johnson said what Cano did was likely legal. The council website even has a warning that submitted comments are subject to the state's data practices act. But Johnson, along with other council members, told Fox 9 that it does not make what Cano did right.

"I don't think it's appropriate to put people's emails out to the world if they have a reasonable expectation that it won't happen," Johnson said.  "I've been through some difficult time where I've been criticized for what I've done, but I've never put anyone's name out to say that I disagreed with their opinion."

None of the people who had their personal info shared, who talked to Fox 9, said they've received any threats.  Councilwoman Cano could not be reached for comment Thursday using several methods.

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