
Mossack Fonseca Office Raided By Police

Mossack Fonseca Office Raided By Police

Mossack Fonseca Office Raided By Police

Mossack Fonseca Office RaidedEl Salvador Attorney General Douglas Melendez (C) walks out of the Mossack Fonseca offices in San Salvador, El Salvador April 8, 2016. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas

Last night the local Mossack Fonseca offices were raided by the police.

They seized documents, computer equipment and interviews some of their employees however none of them were detained.

If you have been up to date with the panama papers scandal you will know that this is the second police raid of the week.

The first was when the FIFA HQ was raided earlier this week after his connections (FIFA president) were shown in the Panama papers.

Mossack Fonseca Office Raided

The attorney who oversaw this raid made the call after the office signs were removed on Thursday thus raising suspicions.

"At this moment we cannot speak about (any) crimes; all we can do at this moment is our job," the attorney added.

He also said that everything they have confiscated will be analysed by the authorities in the upcoming days.

Furthermore the CEO of Mossack Fonseca also mentioned that the company itself has not broken any laws and all of their actions are conducted legally.

The other founder of Mossack Fonseca had resigned earlier this week.

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