
Leading Philippines presidential contender: Gang rape victim ‘so beautiful’ he wishes he had ‘been first’

I read through the article expecting there to be something that was taken out of context. All too often, you read a title, and it's misrepresenting what the content of the article says.

...not this time.

He actually fucking said that.

I'm all for jokes. I think you should be able to joke about death, and rape, and all of that. That's the nature of comedy.

But there's also a line you don't cross. And 'joking' or making comments like that about a woman who was gang-raped and murdered?

What in the actual fuck.

How does a person like that survive to adulthood without someone applying lethal blunt force trauma to their skull?

That's about the worst thing I've heard of a human being say this fucking year so far. And said in PUBLIC.


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