
Men should have the right to ‘abort’ responsibility for an unborn child, Swedish political group says

I was with this girl for 4 years and she had an abortion against my wishes. I stayed with her for a year after the abortion like a dumb shit and she ended up pregnant again right before we broke up. She decided to keep this one because we were broken up and she hid the pregnancy. I had just got into the laborers union and she was looking at this like a meal ticket. She worked me for child support for 2 years while she collected welfare for her other kid. I eventually collected enough evidence to have a solid case for full custody and gave her an ultimatum. Either we split custody and zero child support on my end or I destroy her in court. I never wanted to keep my son from her but as soon as she realized that her free ride was over she showed up with all my son's stuff and gave him to me. I've been a single dad for 7 years and I honestly can't complain. My son and I are best friends and I'm stable enough to give him an awesome lifestyle.

Let's block ads! (Why?) Men should have the right to 'abort' responsibility for an unborn child, Swedish political group says via top scoring links : news


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