A petition asking for an Upstate prosecutor to be removed from the case of a deadly police shooting includes the description of what the unarmed teen's passenger said happened when he was killed.

The Supreme Court petition asks that Attorney General Alan Wilson remove 10th Circuit Solicitor Chrissy Adams from the case and replace her with an independent solicitor.  The petition accuses Adams of having a conflict of interest because of her relationship with police.

Adams is handling the case involving the death of Zachary Hammond who was shot July 26 by Seneca police Lt. Mark Tiller during a drug sting operation in the parking lot of a Hardee's in Seneca. Tiller says he shot Hammond because the teen was driving his car toward him.

Previous stories: Activists push for Adams' removal | Dash will not be released | Parents rally | Hammond's home robbed | Parents hold news conference | Feds join investigation | New autopsy | War of words | Teen shot, killed

Adams has said the State Law Enforcement Division is investigating the case, and that if charges are brought against Tiller, "the 10th Circuit Solicitor's office will be fully engaged."

WYFF News 4 obtained the petition that contains an affidavit from Tori Diana Morton, who was a passenger in Hammond's car.

The petition says Morton was suspected of being involved in a drug transaction, so a "sting operation" was arranged by Seneca police at the Hardee's restaurant.

The Supreme Court petition says a confidential informant had told police that Morton would be a passenger in a silver Honda Civic, so that officers could be in position to watch her and make an arrest.

Seneca Police Chief John Covington said that Tiller had to fire because Hammond was driving toward him.

Tiller's attorney, John Mussetto, said after Hammond was ordered to show his hands, he instead accelerated toward Tiller, who had to "push off the car" to keep from being run over.

"In order to stop the continuing threat to himself and the general public, two shots were fired by Lt. Tiller in quick succession," Mussetto's release said. "If not for Lt. Tiller's quick reflexes and his ability to push off of the car, Lt. Tiller would have easily been run over by Mr. Hammond."

Morton's affidavit written on Aug. 11 provides a different description of what happened.

Her verbatim statement as she wrote it:

"Pulling into Hardee's parking lot, Zach and I were sharing a chocolate dipped ice cream cone from McDonald's and as we were pulling into a parking spot. The police SUV was lighted up in blue flashing lights.

The two officers got out and had they're gun drawn, yelling that he would blow our (expletive) heads off and immediately started firing.  As the shots rang the car moved and rolled forward and along the curb until another cop car crashed into the back of Zach's car to stop us.  Ad the surrounded the car they started yelling, "Where's the gun? Get the gun" Zach was already dead and then they drug (sic) us out of the car and onto the ground and the officer that stood me up -- he put the car in park.

"When we pulled into the parking spot not fully in the spot and the car still in drive the police exited they're (sic) SUV and came and aimed weapons towards each of our windows and were in arms length aimed at Zach and shouting 'We're going to blow you (expletive) heads off.

"As the car stopped and Zach saw the lights in the mirror and I looked up to notice the cops as well he turned toward me to look at me when the first shot was fired then he lost motor control causing the care to roll toward the curb rolling left and forward only stopping by the cop car smashing into the left back side of Zach's car.

"It happened within seconds with no warning.

"The car was never in park pulling into the Hardee's parking spot. That's why the officer put it in park after the handcuffs were put on me,

"I watched them take the gun from the officer that killed Zach and move it from car to car as they were in and out of the trunks of each car present.  I was unhandcuffed given a cigarette and place in the alley behind the Hardee's alone for a long time and remained on the scene for hours.  Taken away and brought back multiple times before my arrest."

Morton said in her statement that two officers got out of their car with their guns drawn, with one of them "yelling that he would blow our (expletive) heads off and immediately started firing."

She says she and Zach had just arrived in the Hardee's parking lot and the car was still in drive when the officers approached with their guns drawn.

"As the car stopped and Zach saw the (blue) lights in the mirror and I looked up to notice the cops as well, he turned towards me to look at me when the first shot was fired," she said in the affidavit. "Then he lost motor control causing the car to roll forward only stopping by the cop car smashing into the left back side of Zach's car.

"It happened within seconds with no warning. The car was never in park pulling into the Hardee's parking spot"

"The police asked me who Zach was. They asked was this guy Zach, was that his name and how did I know him. I said he's Zach and asked Zach what? So I said I don't know. I just know he's Zach and it was our first date."

The petition to have Adams removed from the case was filed with the Supreme Court on Tuesday.