
An Oregon couple was billed $2M by Verizon for a phone plan that they had for a month

An Oregon couple's dealings with Verizon Wireless has turned into a comedy of errors.

Ken Slusher and Jamie Wilson are fighting the telecommunications company over a $2 million bill for only one month of service. They obviously don't plan to pay that amount but their outstanding bill is creating a bottleneck as they try to secure a mortgage for a home. 

"Yeah, it's been very stressful to say the least," Slusher told Fox 12.

Slusher signed up with the cellular company in November of last year and purchased two phones. He cancelled the plan after only a month, returning the phones to the store, due to discrepancies in the bill.

A bill that should have been $120 was $698 and included a previous balance of $451. And then a followup statement arrived indicating a balance of $9.

Huh? Slusher was astonished by Verizon's math. 

"The number of errors and the comedy of which they happened is astounding to me," he told Fox 12.

Notices started arriving from collection agencies asking for $2,000 and more, and Slusher found himself battling customer service for months. They would agree something was amiss but nobody could fix it. 

When Slusher called Monday, he heard the account balance was $2 million. This became a problem when he was signing papers for mortgage on a home he and Wilson are trying to buy. 

"If I don't get this straightened out in the next 24 hours, I can almost guarantee I'll lose this house," he told Fox 12.

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