
Kim Davis barred from raising money by GoFundMe

While Kentucky clerk Kim Davis sits in jail for being in contempt of court after refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, her lawyers are hard at work trying to clean up her mess and the judge is in a bind when it comes to hitting her where it hurts.

DailyKos reported that "Plaintiffs in the case had asked [District Court Judge David] Bunning to fine Davis, but they specifically requested that he not jail her. Bunning, though, said fines would not work because others might raise money to pay the penalty on her behalf." Well, thanks to a pair of homophobic bakers, they won't be able to do it on GoFundMe.

According to, the crowdsourcing service nixed a fundraising campaign for Sweet Cakes by Melissa owners Aaron and Melissa Klein earlier this year. They were fined $135,000 for refusing to go through with a wedding cake request for a gay couple. In a statement, GoFundMe explained:

"After careful review by our team, we have found the 'Support Sweet Cakes By Melissa' campaign to be in violation of our Terms and Conditions. The money raised thus far will still be made available for withdrawal. The subjects of the 'Support Sweet Cakes By Melissa' campaign have been formally charged by local authorities and found to be in violation of Oregon state law concerning discriminatory acts. Accordingly, the campaign has been disabled."

Later on, its policy was changed to explicitly say that "GoFundMe will not allow campaigns that benefit individuals or groups facing formal charges or claims of serious violations of the law." In order words, Kim Davis is out of luck.

However, she does have supporters in other anti-gay crusaders like Mike Huckabee, who is planning an "#ImWithKim Liberty Rally" on Tuesday. The National Organization for Marriage also stepped in, calling for "a massive mobilization of the grassroots and a ferocious public relations and advertising campaign." They invite you to help raise $100,000 for the struggling clerk (who makes $80,000 per year) by Labor Day.

Yeah, good luck with that.

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