On Saturday, former tennis star James Blake told the Associated Press that James Frascatore, the plainclothes officer who wrongly tackled and detained him, should be fired.

From the Associated Press:

"I don't think this person should ever have a badge or a gun again … I don't think it's too much to ask … I think that that kind of police officer tarnishes the badge, which I have the utmost respect for and I believe that the majority of police officers do great work and they're heroes. So this person doesn't ever belong in the same sentence with the heroes that are doing the right kind of police work and keeping the public safe."

According to the AP report, Frascatore has been named in several civil rights lawsuits alleging excessive force, and has been the subject of four civilian complaints.

The incident, which occurred on Wednesday, prompted an apology from NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton. On Friday, the NYPD released video footage of Blake being tackled.

(Thanks to the Associated Press for sharing.)