
Former bishop admits sexually abusing young men, prosecutors and police allowed him to escape charges 22 years ago

Peter Ball
Peter Ball, 83, admitted misconduct in public office, relating to the sexual abuse of 19 young men over a period of 15 years from 1977-1992. Photograph: David Jones/PA

A former Church of England bishop has admitted sexually abusing 18 young men decades after his victims first complained.

Peter Ball, the former bishop of Lewes and Gloucester, pleaded guilty on Tuesday morning to two counts of indecent assault relating to two young men and one charge of misconduct in public office, which relates to the sexual abuse of 16 young men over a period of 15 years from 1977-1992.

Ball, 83, has connections to Prince Charles, whom he has described in the past as "a loyal friend".

On Tuesday, the Crown Prosecution Service allowed two charges of indecently assaulting two boys in their early teens to lie on file. The deal, hammered out in secret with CPS lawyers, means Ball will not face trial on perhaps the most serious alleged offences, which involved boys aged 13 and 15.

Bobbie Cheema QC, for the crown, told the Old Bailey in London there had been a great deal of communication between prosecutors and the defence, which had resulted in the pleas.

Cheema said as a result of the guilty pleas, the crown felt a trial on the remaining charges would not be in the public interest.

It can now be revealed how prosecutors and the police – with the knowledge of the then archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey – allowed Ball to escape criminal charges when allegations against him first arose 22 years ago.

Peter Ball pictured with Prince Charles, whom he has described in the past as 'a loyal friend'.
Peter Ball pictured with Prince Charles, whom he has described in the past as 'a loyal friend'. Photograph:

When claims against Ball were made in 1993, conversations were held between police, prosecutors and the church before it was decided to caution the bishop rather than charge him.

This was despite what CPS lawyers said was "sufficient, admissible, substantial and reliable evidence" of indecent assault and gross indecency.

Evidence was given at an earlier hearing that a police officer involved in the case reassured Ball in 1993 by saying: "Bishop, this is all over."

It was not until 2012, after several inquiries, that the church finally released documents to the police and he was arrested and charged with misconduct in public office, relating to the sexual abuse of 16 victims, and four counts of indecent assault against four young men.

Ball was enthroned as the bishop of Gloucester in 1991, in a ceremony attended by the Prince of Wales. Ball resigned in 1993 and moved to Manor Lodge in the Somerset village of Aller. The wisteria-clad property is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, the private estate headed by Charles.

At the time, Ball said: "[Charles] has been wonderfully kind and allowed me to have a duchy house. The prince is a loyal friend. I have immense admiration for him, he has been through horrific times and is a great person."

Ball appeared at Tuesday's hearing via video link from Taunton magistrates court, entering his pleas in a shaky voice.

For the two youngest complainants – who allege they were abused at the age of 13 and 15 – his negotiations with the CPS mean they will never have their cases heard. Cheema said the two charges of indecent assault relating to their allegations will lie on file and the victims had been informed. Ball will be sentenced on 7 October.

DCI Carwyn Hughes, who led the three-year Sussex police inquiry into Ball, said: "This has been one of the most complex investigations I have carried out. We have had to get through so many legal hurdles to get here.

"[Ball] was a manipulative man. Under a cloak of fraudulent Christianity he groomed and manipulated people into positions where he could exploit them for his own sexual gratification."

One of the two complainants whose case will not be taken to trial, Phil Johnson, expressed anger at the deal. "Throughout the two decades since the original disclosures, none of the allegations against Peter Ball have been examined in court. None of the evidence has been tested or fully examined. At every turn there have been deals and cover-ups.

"The truth has been suppressed and Ballʼs offending behaviour and involvement with other abusers … has been minimised."

Johnson first made his allegations against Ball in 1996, and was 13 at the time the abuse was alleged to have taken place. "Once again I find myself in a position where I do not get to tell my story in court, once again I feel that myself … and the other complainant in this case are being silenced and denied justice."

After the hearing, the Church of England issued an unreserved apology to Ball's victims. "We commend the bravery of those who brought these allegations forward, acknowledging how difficult and distressing this would have been. We are aware that two individuals will not have the opportunity at this time to have their cases heard following the plea agreement."

The church said it took allegations of abuse seriously. It added: "Should anyone have further information or need to discuss the personal impact of this news the church has worked with the NSPCC to set up a confidential helpline no: 0800 389 5344."

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