
Two 15-year-olds to be charged with murdering dog walker

Last updated: Friday, March 20, 2015, 1:08 AM
Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2015, 2:53 PM

Update: Tyfine Hamilton surrendered early Friday. In an interview with CBS3, his aunt, Takena Throes, apologized and expressed sorrow to James Stuhlman's family. She said Hamilton was "off" his medications.

Earlier Story:

The three Overbrook boys, armed with a gun and fresh from a game of basketball, searched for their target, police said.

It was 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 12. The boys - ages 14, 15, and 15 - first eyed a man and his dog.

Then Jim Stuhlman appeared on the 6400 block of Woodcrest Avenue with his labradoodle, Molly.

Stuhlman, 51, was older than the first man. And Molly, the boys later told police, looked "weak or soft."

There was a brief struggle. Stuhlman, married and the father of a young daughter, pleaded for his life. He was shot once in the chest. The boys panicked and left Stuhlman's belongings on his mortally wounded body.

"Nothing," said Philadelphia Police Capt. James Clark. "Nothing was taken, which makes this even more senseless and even more troubling. Nothing was taken at all, and he lost his life."

Police said they arrested two of the boys Wednesday and are searching for the alleged shooter.

Brandon Smith, 15, was charged as an adult with murder. An arrest warrant was issued for Tyfine Hamilton, 15, who police say they believe pulled the trigger.

Both are students at Overbrook High School and have "robberies in their background," Clark said.

The youngest boy is cooperating with authorities, Clark said, and will be charged with lesser offenses.

Detectives, after viewing surveillance footage, saw three boys wearing hooded sweatshirts and backpacks.

Wednesday, two 19th District officers patrolled the 6400 block of Girard Avenue and saw a group of teenagers who fit the description. They captured two suspects after a brief foot chase.

Stuhlman owned a landscaping business with his brother. He and his daughter often walked the dog together.

This time, Stuhlman was alone.

"For no other reason than these kids wanted to rob somebody, he ended up losing his life," Clark said. "His daughter will never see her father again. That is really sad."

The dog stayed by Stuhlman's side until neighbors came across the two.

Hamilton is considered "armed and extremely dangerous," Clark said. A man who identified himself as Hamilton's father answered the phone at an address provided by police and said his son has lived elsewhere with his mother for a year.

Hamilton, though a freshman at Overbrook, does not go to school, his father said.

"How do I know this?" he said. "The truancy office sends me letters."

He said he did not know where to find his son.

"If he would listen," the father said, "then he wouldn't be where he's at."

215-854-2928 @MattGelb

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