
Arizona Senate Bill 1445 Would Keep Police Names Secret After Shootings

The American Civil Liberties Union blasted the bill as a step backwards for the state. Keeping an officer's name secret would make it easier to cover up errors or abuse, said Alessandra Soler, executive director of the ACLU of Arizona. Current law allows police to withhold records over safety concerns in some circumstances. Officers' home addresses don't have to be disclosed.

"At a time when the entire country is raising legitimate questions about why so many black men are dying at the hands of police, the state of Arizona is moving in the opposite direction and becoming less transparent," she said. "It's certainly not going to improve police-community relations."

Smith sponsored the bill after a pair of controversial police shootings in Arizona.

After former Phoenix Police Chief Daniel Garcia released the name of the police officer who fatally shot Rumain Brisbon, an unarmed black man, in December, there were fears that protesters would march on the officer's home. None ever did so, but Bolton said it "sent a chill factor up and down our thought process."

In Pinal County, sheriff's officials said a deputy received threats after video appeared to show a suspect with his hands up shortly before the deputy fatally shot him in January of 2014. The deputy's home was placed under 24-hour guard for a time, Pinal County sheriff's Chief Deputy Steve Henry told a state senate committee in February.

"For us, if we would have been able to keep that deputy's official photograph and official name out of the news media for a certain amount of time, for at least for a cooling-off period, then perhaps some of this negative publicity would have been mitigated," Henry said.

"People cannot believe in what they are not permitted to observe"

Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson went into hiding after he shot Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, in August, sparking nationwide protests. A grand jury declined to indict Wilson, but he later resigned.

State Rep. Reginald Bolding, a Democrat who represents the Phoenix area, said the proposed law will increase skepticism of the police.

"This is being packaged as a cooling-off period. What many people in the community believe is this could build a covering-up period," Bolding said. "You're actually increasing tension between the community and the police that serve them."

The Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police also opposes the bill because it takes control away from department heads, a representative for the group said.

Channel Powe, a community advocate in Phoenix, said her group plans to deliver a petition against the bill to the governor this week.

"You have a community with a history of mistrust of police, and now we want to hide our identity from you when we get into a situation where someone loses their life," she said. "There's zero accountability."

First published March 22 2015, 12:05 PM

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