Latest to join the Indiana boycott: Jay Inslee.

Latest to join the Indiana boycott: Jay Inslee. Governor's Office

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee followed the lead of Seattle Mayor Ed Murray and others today, banning any state administrators from spending state money to travel to Indiana after that state passed a controversial "religious freedom" law that could make it easier for businesses to discriminate against LGBT customers.

"I find Indiana's new law disturbing, particularly at a time when more and more states and people in America are embracing civil rights for everyone," Inslee said in a statement today. "Washington will join other states and cities in opposing this law and I will impose an administration-wide ban on state funded travel to Indiana. ... We in Washington stand for equality. I applaud those companies and organizations that have spoken out against the law and said they would not locate or expand operations in Indiana. I want to invite all those organizations, and anyone interested in a state that promotes equality and opportunity, to come visit Washington. We are open for business, and open to all people."

Indiana isn't the only state with such a "religious freedom" law, but there are some important differences that make this one particularly troubling. Republican leaders in Indiana's state legislature say they're thinking about clarifying that the law isn't meant to allow discrimination, but, as the Indianapolis Star reports, "after several hours of private meetings with their fellow Republican lawmakers Monday afternoon, there seemed to be little consensus about how to proceed."