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When the Seattle Seahawks face off against the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl this Sunday, the mammoth sporting event will be greener and significantly brighter than ever before. That's because the University of Phoenix is the first Super Bowl host to light its stadium entirely with LEDs, cutting energy use by 75%!

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The energy savings that come with using LEDs over conventional metal halide lights are significant. The system, which features Cree LEDs installed by Ephesus Lighting, uses 310,000 watts of energy, as opposed to the 1.24 million watts needed to power the previous system. In total this creates a 75 percent reduction in energy usage.

And the benefits aren't solely environmental—it's better for watching the game too. Ephesus claims the LEDs cast a brighter and more uniform light, eliminating shadows on the field and allowing the game's videographers to capture action more sharply, with "greater field depth… and even offer more detailed slow motion replays."

LED, led lighting, leds, super bowl, superbowl, arizona, cree, ephesus lighting, green sports, stadium, green lighting, energy savings, university of phoenix

If that wasn't enough to sell a stadium on the benefits of investing in LEDs, there's another advantage: the lights can be turned back on with the "flick of a switch." Why does this matter? Conventional metal halides need a 20 minute warm-up period, which, if you have a blackout—as happened in the 2013 Superbowl—means you have a heck of a delay on your hands. With LEDs, the lights come back on as soon as the power does.

Related: Central Park now glows with energy-saving Cree LED street lights

The University of Phoenix Stadium is the first NFL to install an LED system, but with sports stadiums gradually making the transition to green, it's likely that they'll start a trend.

Via Gizmag

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