
Montana republican wants to expand indecent exposure law to include male nipples

Rep. David Moore wants to expand the state's indecent exposure law after a group of naked bicyclists rode through Missoula. (Source: BallotPedia/David Moore)Rep. David Moore wants to expand the state's indecent exposure law after a group of naked bicyclists rode through Missoula. (Source: BallotPedia/David Moore)

(RNN) – A legislator in Montana wants to expand the state's indecent exposure law to ban both male and female nipple exposure and outlaw clothing that "gives the appearance or simulates" a person's buttocks, genitals, pelvic area or female nipple.

Republican Rep. David Moore, of Missoula, proposed the bill in reaction to a group of naked bicyclists who pedaled through Missoula in August 2014.

His bill would also ban tight-fitting beige clothing, and he has strong feelings about yoga pants of any color.

"Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway," Moore said after the House Judiciary Committee meeting.

He opposes men's fashion he finds salacious as well: he thinks guys wearing Speedo-type swimsuits in public should be subject to arrest.

Moore told the Associated Press that law enforcement should use their discretion on when to arrest people for wearing clothing that would violate the law.

In Montana, a first-time offense of indecent exposure carries a fine of up to $500 and six months in jail; a second offense could cost the offender $1,000 or one year in jail.

A three-time offender could get life in jail and a possible $10,000 fine. However, to drum up support for his bill, he's offered to limit three-time offenders to only a five-year sentence and a $5,000 fine.

"I want Montana to be known as a decent state where people can live within the security of laws and protect their children and associates from degrading and indecent practices," Hill said. "I believe this bill is written preserving that reputation."

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