
Bill O’Reilly threatens reporter from the New York Times

(AP Photo/Jeff Christensen, file)
(AP Photo/Jeff Christensen, file)

Just how desperate is Fox News host Bill O'Reilly to fight off challenges to the stories he has told about his reporting amid the Falkland Islands War in 1982? For one, he said last night on his program after refuting the claims of Mother Jones magazine, "I want to stop this now. I hope we can stop it. I really do." (Disclosure: The wife of the Erik Wemple Blog is a staff writer at Mother Jones).

For another, he's on record as threatening a New York Times reporter interviewing him about the story:

Mr. O'Reilly's efforts to refute the claims by Mother Jones and some former CBS News colleagues occurred both on the air and off on Monday. During a phone conversation, he told a reporter for The New York Times that there would be repercussions if he felt any of the reporter's coverage was inappropriate. "I am coming after you with everything I have," Mr. O'Reilly said. "You can take it as a threat."

The New York Times story carries the bylines of Emily Steel and Ravi Somaiya. Steel tweeted last night:

If O'Reilly continues at this desperate pace, "everything I have" soon won't amount to much.

(h/t Politico's Dylan Byers)

Read more:

The Bill O'Reilly scandal, made simple

Jon Stewart goes soft on Bill O'Reilly

Post columnist Erik Wemple details Mother Jones's story about Fox News broadcaster Bill O'Reilly's possible embellishments about reporting during the Falklands war for CBS News. (Gillian Brockell and Osman Malik/The Washington Post)

Erik Wemple writes the Erik Wemple blog, where he reports and opines on media organizations of all sorts.

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