
Patricia Todd, gay Alabama lawmaker, threatens to expose adulterous colleagues: "I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about 'family values' when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have"

Alabama's first openly gay legislator has threatened to expose the extramarital affairs of some of her Republican colleagues due to their opposition to same-sex marriage.

"I will not stand by and allow legislators to talk about 'family values' when they have affairs, and I know of many who are and have. I will call our elected officials who want to hide in the closet OUT," state Rep. Patricia Todd said without naming who she planned to expose, reported.

Her comments followed Republican criticism last week of a federal court ruling that overturned Alabama's same-sex marriage ban. Ms. Todd took particular issue with State House Speaker Mike Hubbard, a Republican who called the ruling "outrageous," and Attorney General Luther Strange's efforts to get a two-week stay on the judge's order.

SEE ALSO: Patricia Todd, gay Alabama lawmaker, backs off threat to 'out' adulterous colleagues

"This (is) a time where you find out who are accepting, loving people," Ms. Todd said in a Facebook post. "To say I am disappointed in Speaker Hubbard comments and Attorney General Strange choice to appeal the decision is an understatement."

"One thing I'm pretty consistent on is I do not like hypocrites," she later told The Huffington Post. "If you can explain your position and you hold yourself to the same standard you want to hold me to, then fine. But you cannot go out there and smear my community by condemning us and somehow making us feel less than, and expect me to be quiet."

Mr. Hubbard responded to Ms. Todd's comments in a statement to "I consider Rep. Todd a friend, and we have always enjoyed a good and cordial relationship, so I am sorry that she is upset about my remarks.

"We do have a fundamental disagreement on allowing same-sex marriages in Alabama, and I will continue to voice my opinion on this important social issue, just as I expect she will continue to voice hers, but we can disagree without being disagreeable," he added.

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