
New York Police Officers Are Quick to Resort to Chokeholds, Inspector General Finds

The first investigation by New York City's police inspector general includes the finding that in several cases where officers were found to have used a chokehold, the banned maneuver was the officer's initial physical response to verbal resistance.

The 45-page report, released on Monday, follows the death in July of Eric Garner on Staten Island after an arresting officer placed him in a chokehold, a tactic that was banned by the Police Department two decades ago. The report looks at officers' ongoing use of chokeholds and the department's handling of such actions.

The inspector general's office, created by the City Council over the objections of the Bloomberg administration, had been expected to release the report last month, but pushed back the date after two officers were fatally shot in their patrol car in Brooklyn on Dec. 20 by a man who was seeking to kill police officers and who killed himself minutes later.

Headed by Philip K. Eure, who was hired in May, the inspector general's office examined the circumstances and the disciplinary actions that resulted in 10 confrontations between officers and suspects from 2009 to June 2014 in which a separate oversight agency verified that a chokehold had been used by an officer.

In each instance, the agency, the Civilian Complaint Review Board, recommended stiff discipline. However, in the cases that have been decided so far, officers were given little or no punishment by the Police Department.

"These are pretty serious cases," Mr. Eure said. "Obviously, we are going to be looking at a broader sample of cases to see if it's more systemic. But people should be troubled by the disconnect that we determined exists already in the disciplinary process."

The same 10 cases were also analyzed in a report last year by the review board, which found the Police Department had, over time, eased its interpretation of its own blanket ban on chokeholds. The police inspector general is part of the Department of Investigation, and the commissioner, Mark G. Peters, said his agency has "enforcement powers that nobody else has."

In a letter accompanying the report and addressed to Mayor Bill de Blasio, the City Council and the Police Department, Mr. Peters said the focus on chokeholds and other use of force by officers was the first of four issues that called out for "proactive review" by the inspector general.

The others were patterns of low-level arrests and summonses, surveillance of religious and political groups, and police encounters involving people with mental illness.

In a joint interview on Sunday, Mr. Peters and Mr. Eure declined to say whether they would investigate the recent work slowdown by officers across the city.

In the 10 chokehold cases studied, seven were completed during the Bloomberg administration. In six of those, the police commissioner at the time, Raymond W. Kelly, departed from the recommendations of the board, the report found, and offered lesser punishment or no punishment at all. In the seventh, the officer died before the process ended.

One of the altercations studied occurred on Aug. 26, 2009, when a man was rapping with his friends in front of a public housing development in Brooklyn. According to the report, the man made a comment to passing officers, who then approached him. One of the officers, by his own admission, put the man in "a headlock," which restricted his breathing — a fact that would make it a chokehold in the Police Department's definition.

The review board substantiated the complaint and recommended charges, the harshest punishment, which can include suspension or termination. Mr. Kelly instead imposed the lowest punishment, a review of the rules.

"In none of these cases did the police commissioner provide any explanation for these disciplinary decisions," the report said. It recommended that in the future the commissioner put the explanations in writing.

Three cases were still open when William J. Bratton took over as police commissioner last year. In September, charges against one officer were dropped after the complainant could no longer say which officer in the group of as many as 10 had used a chokehold. Two officers involved still face an administrative trial for an improper stop before the confrontation.

In another case, a man complained that he had been stopped by two plainclothes officers on a Queens sidewalk in January 2012. The man resisted being frisked, and an officer put an arm around the man's neck, choking him.

In October, after a departmental trial, the officer was found not guilty of using a chokehold; a final decision on punishment is now before Mr. Bratton.

And a third case, in which an officer's arm went around a man's neck as officers struggled to arrest him, is pending an administrative trial.

The fact that "several of the subject officers" in the 10 cases reviewed used chokeholds "as a first act of physical force and in response to mere verbal confrontation is particularly alarming," the report said. It promised a fuller investigation into alleged improper use of force by officers in coming reports.

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