
Huffington Post Editor's Photo of 'Diverse' Meeting Immediately Backfires

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Huffington Post executive editor Liz Heron posted a photo to Twitter Friday, giving a behind-the-scenes look at an editors meeting.

The photo, which showed a table full of mostly white women, was evidently meant to show workplace diversity.

But Heron might not have thought things through, as there was an immediate backlash to the lack of males or people of color on the Huffington Post editorial staff.

In fact, some of the responses on Twitter were hilariously brutal:

O'Reilly: Trump, Hillary, Bernie & Obama Aren't Evil And Don't Deserve Hatred

Krauthammer: Trump's SCOTUS List Will Have 'Dramatic Effect' in Unifying GOP

'It's Enraging': Hegseth Rips Obama Admin's 'Hypocrisy, Deception' on Iran Deal

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