
Police officer shoots and kills 5 month old dog in owners front yard. The owner of the dog is then charged with not having dog on a leash.


A local woman said she's still facing charges after a Clayton County police officer shot and killed her dog.

"He just shot the dog and stood there with no remorse, no regrets in front of her and her kids," neighbor Aijohli King told Channel 2's Amy Napier Viteri after she witnessed the shooting from her home across the street.

Claudette Terry told Viteri she was moving into a home on Pineglen Drive in May when officers stopped by to check on a man sitting in her driveway, a man Terry said was a friend.

"My son opened the door the dog ran out and kind of stood by me where the other officers were," she said. "He didn't bark, growl or anything."

Terry explained she was already speaking to two other officers when a third officer, Walter Dennard, walked up. In his incident report, Dennard said the family's 5-month-old lab-pit mix ran and lunged at him.

Witness Brandon Smarr said that's not true.

"He just took a step back and he just shot at the dog," Smarr said. "And then he started laughing afterward."

"The dog was shaking on the ground," Terry said. "And he walked up to the dog and shot it a second time. He walked closer and shot it a second time."

Terry said at first she wondered if anyone else was hit by the bullets.

"When the gun went off, my son went down in the yard crying. I looked thinking my son may have been shot," she said.

The puppy named 8-Ball was friendly, according to friends, and well-loved, especially by Terry's daughter.

Officer Dennard's file showed several use of force complaints, including a suspension for Tasing a suspect in the neck. But Terry is the one facing charges for not having her dog on a leash or showing rabies paperwork.

A Clayton County police spokesperson said the Office of Professional Standards is conducting an internal investigation and they cannot comment in the meantime.

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Gay Man Pulled From Home, Beaten By NYPD Officers Yelling “Faggot” In Horrifying Video.


A gay Staten Island man is suing the NYPD after four officers dragged him from his home last month before violently beating him in the front yard while repeatedly yelling homophobic slurs.

Louis Falcone, 31, told the New York Daily News that officers arrived at the home he shares with his 66-year-old mother on June 19 to investigate a noise complaint. He had been arguing loudly with his brother an hour earlier, who had come home in an "obnoxiously drunk" stupor and left before police arrived to investigate the noise.

Related: Man Who Violently Assaulted Gay Couple At Dallas BBQ Claims Self Defense: "I Am The Victim"

"As I'm talking to them through the screen door, they're saying to come outside," said Falcone. "I said, 'For what?'"

Falcone added that his dog began barking from inside the house, to which an officer said, "Get your dog out of here or I"ll fucking kill it!"

Falcone also had surgery on his foot recently and was wearing a boot, but that didn't stop the four aggressive officers from purposefully stepping on it after pulling him from his home illegally for a violent, unprovoked beating on the front lawn.

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 11.21.22 AM

Falcone's version of events was confirmed by a video obtained by the Daily News, which was shot from a neighbor's window across the street. In it, Falcone is heard screaming for mercy while the officers mercilessly pile on top of him.

"They threw me against the concrete in front of my house. My first reaction was to try to get up a little bit," Falcone explained. "While I was on the ground, I had mud and blood in my mouth. One [of the cops] said, 'Don't let it get on you, he probably has AIDS, the faggot.'"

Falcone begged the officers to be careful with his foot during the beating, a request they took as an invitation. "They're hitting me for no reason. One puts his knee on my neck. They were all piling on top of me," he recalled. "I said, 'Please, I just had surgery on my foot. One of the cops stepped on my foot. Another cop comes and steps on my head."

Related: LGBT Person Brutally Beaten By Moroccan Street Mob As Bystanders Excitedly Film

Falcone is suing the NYPD for violating his civil rights, not to mention the injuries he suffered.

According to Falcone, the attack left him with "a broken nose, two black eyes, cuts to his face and body, and…more foot surgery."

"How can you do that – four people on one skinny, scrawny little guy?" Falcone's attorney, Eric Subin asked. "They're criminals; they belong behind bars."

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Ultra-Orthodox Jew stabs 6 at gay rally in Jerusalem... days after being released from jail for stabbing people at a gay rally in 2005.

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MH370: Part number on plane wreckage confirms debris is from Boeing 777, Malaysian official says

A part number on a piece of aircraft wreckage found in the Indian Ocean confirms the object is from a Boeing 777, a Malaysian transport official has said.

"From the part number, it is confirmed that it is from a Boeing 777 aircraft. This information is from MAS (Malaysia Airlines). They have informed me," deputy transport minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said.

The wing component found on the small French island of La Reunion, east of Madagascar, bears the part number 657 BB, according to photos of the debris.

The two-metre-long piece of wreckage, known as a flaperon, was found by people cleaning up a beach on La Reunion on Wednesday.

A Boeing 777 is the same model aircraft as Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which vanished 16 months ago with 239 people aboard.

Mr Abdul said the piece of wreckage moved investigators "close to solving the mystery of MH370".

"This could be the convincing evidence that MH370 went down in the Indian Ocean," he said.

Models of sea currents by oceanographers suggest it is plausible debris from the missing plane could wash up in the tropics.

The recovered object will be flown to a testing site in France near the city of Toulouse for analysis by aviation authorities and could reach there by Saturday, French sources told AFP.

La Reunion is 4,000 kilometres from the oceanic region where MH370 was thought to have gone down on March 8 last year.

Australian officials 'increasingly confident' debris from MH370

Australian search authorities earlier said they were "increasingly confident" the debris was from missing flight MH370.

"We are increasingly confident that this debris is from MH370," Martin Dolan, chief commissioner of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), said.

Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said he was confident the search for the missing aircraft was being conducted in the right area.

Mr Truss said the discovery of wreckage on La Reunion was consistent with currents from the area search teams were scouring.

"We remain confident that we're searching in the right place. And, if in fact the plane parts found on Reunion island are linked to MH370, that would rather strengthen the case that we are in the right area," he said.

"It's not positive proof, but the fact that this wreckage was sighted on the northern part of the Reunion island is consistent with the current movements — it's consistent with what we might expect to happen in these circumstances."

Australia has led the hunt for MH370 since it vanished.

Satellite and other data has allowed investigators to narrow their search to an arc of the remote southern Indian Ocean west of Australia, with ships scouring more than 50,000 square kilometres of deep ocean floor without success.

Mr Truss said if the wreckage was confirmed to be from MH370, it would eliminate some of the "rather fanciful theories" about what happened to the plane.

"It [if proven] establishes really beyond any doubt that the aircraft is resting in the Indian Ocean and not secretly parked in some hidden place on the land in another part of the world," he said.

"We are confident, on the basis of continuing refinement, continuing assessment of the satellite data, that the search area is correct."


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Unarmed teen killed by cop during marijuana sting gone wrong. Lawyer for family says he was shot in the back.

A lawyer representing the family of a Seneca teenager who was shot by police Sunday night said the autopsy shows that Zachary Hammond was shot from behind and his car was not moving, contrary to police reports that the car veered toward the officer during a drug sting.

Eric Bland, a Columbia attorney hired by Hammond's parents, said he has requested the state Attorney General to call for a statewide grand jury investigation into the incident.

"It is clearly, clearly from the back," Bland said after viewing pictures of the bullet wounds at the coroner's office Wednesday. "It is physically impossible for him to be trying to flee or run over the officer that shot him."

Seneca Police Chief John Covington on Wednesday stood by the account told him by the officer who was attempting to make a drug arrest that night, explaining that the shots were fired from near point-blank range into the open driver's side window.

"He actually had his hand on or very close to the car, possibly pushed off from the car," Covington said.

But the teen, he said, "was not shot from behind."

"The attorney wasn't there either," Covington said. "He's got to put his spin on things.

"His clients are the parents and they're grieving. I understand that. My heart goes out to them."

The car, which was driven by the 19-year-old Seneca High School graduate, was turning toward the officer as if to run over him and the officer fired in self-defense, the chief said.

The officer has been placed on administrative leave while the State Law Enforcement Division investigates the shooting, which is standard in any police shooting.

Bland said the autopsy indicated that the first shot went into Hammond's left rear shoulder, throwing him forward in the car, and the second one went at a downward angle into his side from the rear, through his heart and lungs and leaving out his lower right side.

The entry wounds were five inches apart, he said.

"The shots were so close in proximity to each other that it would be physically impossible unless the car was stopped and the officer came up very close to an open window," Bland said.

"Picture a car going 20 miles an hour and I'm fortunate enough to get a shot off, and I hit you —there's no way I can get the second shot if the car's going 20 miles an hour," Bland said.

Oconee County Coroner Karl Addis released a statement Tuesday saying Hammond died from a gunshot wound to the upper torso, but the statement didn't indicate if the bullet came from the front or back. He referred questions to SLED, the Seneca Police and the 10th Circuit Solicitor's Office.

Tori Dianna Morton, 23, of Pickens, was in the car with Hammond but wasn't hurt. She was arrested for possession of marijuana.

Covington said the officer approached the car with his gun drawn, as is common practice in making narcotics arrests.

An undercover officer had arranged a drug buy to lure Morton into the parking lot of Hardee's restaurant on U.S. 123, according to an incident report.

The report says the officer executed a search warrant and found a bag of marijuana in the car. It makes no mention of the shooting. Covington said the officer will file a statement later.

Both the officer and the city have hired lawyers for the case, the chief said.

"Ultimately, it would appear it's headed toward litigation," he said.

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A man raising money for affordable housing by riding his bicycle across America died in Oklahoma Thursday morning after being hit by a woman who was texting while driving.

ELK CITY, Oklahoma -

A man bicycling across America to raise money for affordable housing died after being hit by a car in western Oklahoma Thursday morning.

Patrick Wanninkhof, 25, was hit while riding on Highway 152 south of Elk City at 8:05 a.m. on Thursday, July 30, 2015, according to the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. He died at the scene.

The OHP said another bicyclist - identified as Bridget Anderson, 22 - was hurt in the same crash. Troopers said she was stable when she was airlifted to OU Medical Center with a leg injury.

According to the trooper's report, Wanninkhof and Anderson were riding west when a westbound 2014 Chevy driven by Sarah Morris, 34, of Cordell hit them. She told troopers she was distracted by looking at her phone when she hit the bicyclists, according to the OHP report. Morris wasn't hurt, troopers said.

The report did not indicate whether Morris will be cited.

Anderson is from Port Orange, Florida. Wanninkhof was from Key Biscayne, Florida, but had been living in the Bronx, New York.

He was part of a group called Bike & Build, whose members ride across the country to raise money for affordable housing. This particular group had stopped in Tulsa on Sunday, July 26, 2015 where they spent time working with Habitat For Humanity.

Tulsa Habitat for Humanity said Wanninkhof was a group leader of the 26-member team that stopped in Tulsa. 

7/26/2015: Related Story: Group Bikes Across America, Stops In Tulsa To Help Senior Citizen Paint His Home

According to his Bike & Build page, Wanninkhof graduated summa cum laude from the University of Florida in 2012 with a degree in Materials Engineering. He was then accepted into Teach for America and was teaching Physics and Computer Science at a public performing arts school in the Bronx. He said he earned a Masters in Teaching Adolescent Physics from Fordham University in 2014.

He wrote that he decided to bike from Maine to California after a student told him she and her mom had been moving between relatives' houses every week because they couldn't pay rent. "How on earth could I expect her to give her all to Newton's Laws when she wasn't sure where she'd be sleeping that evening?" he wrote.

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This 19-Year-Old Will Spend the Next 25 Years as a Registered Sex Offender

Zach Anderson, 19, and his parents are fighting to appeal his sentence and have his name removed from the sex offender registry.

When Les and Amanda Anderson went to pick up their son from a county jail in St. Joseph, Michigan, it was the first time they had seen him in two and half months.

"I was thinking just coming up here it's like he shouldn't be here," Les Anderson said. "This, you know, it shouldn't be happening."

Since his release last month, their son Zach Anderson's freedom has been severely restricted because at just 19 years old, Zach is a convicted sex offender.

Watch the full story on "Nightline" tonight at 12:35 a.m. ET

Zach was arrested last winter after having sex with a girl he met on the dating app "Hot or Not," who claimed she was 17. But she admitted to police that was a lie. She was really 14.

If he had known she was so young, Zach said, he never would have met her.

"I wouldn't even have gone to her house, like I literally wouldn't have gone to her house at all," he said.

As a convicted sex offender, the terms of Zach's probation are incredibly strict. For the next five years, he is forbidden from owning a smart phone or using the Internet. He is not allowed to talk to anyone under age 17, other than immediate family. He is banned from going to any establishment that serves alcohol and he has to be home before 8 p.m. every night.

"They make me out to be a monster," Zach said. "I can't even look at life regularly."

His parents say his punishment is cruel and unusual, and they are waging a very public fight, even setting up a Facebook page, hoping to rally support for their son.

Zach graduated high school just last year. Like many teens, he turned to his smart phone to find a date one night. He says he was on the dating app "Hot or Not" for about a week when he started talking to the 14-year-old.

"[She] was actually the first person I had met up with or anything from that," Zach said. "I had asked her when we were messaging. I said, 'How old are you?' And then she had told me 17… I just got out of high school. So it's two years difference. I didn't think that was a big deal or anything."

The then-14-year-old girl falsely registered on the "adults" section of the dating app. Zach said after they connected, they flirted through text messages and arranged to meet in her hometown of Niles, Michigan, 20 miles across the state line from Zach's home in Indiana.

"I had been with one other girl before that," Zach said. "But she was 18, and I was 18, and I kind of just did it to get, you know, to do it, because I was 18."

Zach picked the then-14-year-old girl up and they drove to a playground in Niles, where they had sex.

Unbeknownst to them, the girl's mother had called police that night because she thought her daughter was missing. Two months later, detectives showed up at Zach's job at a mechanic shop.

"I was in the middle of an oil change and my friend who was working there came into the back and was like, 'There are two detectives here, Zach. They want to talk to you,'" Zach said. "And my hearts pounding like crazy so yeah I knew something was going down. I told my parents that night."

Zach was arrested and eventually pleaded guilty to fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. After admitting that she had lied about her age, the now 15-year-old and her mother even testified on Zach's behalf at his trial.

According to court documents, the girl's mother told the judge, "I don't want him to be a sex offender because he really is not." Her daughter added, "I feel nothing should happen to Zach."

But the judge condemned what he called a culture of "meet, hook-up, have sex, sayonara, totally inappropriate behavior," according to court documents.

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Los Angeles union wants to be exempt from $15 minimum wage it fought for

New York Wage Board votes 'Yes' on $15 an hour minimum wage<br>22 Jul 2015, New York City, New York State, USA --- New York, United States. 22nd July 2015 -- New York City workers, unions and community groups at a rally for the wage board vote on a $15 per hour minimum wage in New York. The 15 sign has become a symbol in the fight to raise the minimum wage in new York and around the country. -- New York Wage Board, voted today to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, that will be phased in over a 3 to 5 year period. It will take a further 30 days before Governor Cuomo can sign it into law.
New York City workers, unions and community groups at a rally for the wage board vote on a $15 per hour minimum wage in New York. Photograph: Mark Apollo/Demotix/Corbis

Union officials in Los Angeles are fighting to be excluded from minimum wage rules that they have lobbied to put in place.

Los Angeles city council is set to vote on a union-backed clause to its $15-an-hour minimum wage bill that would exempt workers covered by a collective bargaining contract. The debate is expected to start later this week when the council returns from summer recess.

In May, the Los Angeles city council voted in favor of raising minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. As the council prepared for a final vote on the legislation, the Los Angeles Times reported local union leaders had suggested an exemption that was common for such laws: to make companies with unionized workforces exempt from such wage increase.

The proposal was made by Rusty Hicks, executive secretary-treasurer at the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. Hicks has been a leading voice for raising the minimum wage. He declined to comment for this story, referring the Guardian to previously released statements when he first introduced the proposal for the exemption clause.

Hicks has previously argued that in collective bargaining agreements, business owners and employees can "prioritize what is important to them". Under the proposed clause, the unionized workers would be paid whatever their contracted hourly wage was even if the local minimum wage were raised to higher.

"This provision gives the parties the option, the freedom, to negotiate that agreement. And that is a good thing," said Hicks, who is also one of the main organizer for Raise The Wage.

Raise the Wage and the local chapter of the AFL-CIO have been instrumental in rounding up support for the $15 minimum wage. The union had devoted a significant amount of resources to the effort, and its logo was seen at many of the marches and events held in support of the Fight for $15 movement.

After drawing criticism from both sides, Hicks released the following statement: "Raise the Wage stands with the City Council and supports the minimum wage ordinance as currently drafted."

At that time, the copy of the bill did not exclude workers covered by a collective bargaining contract such as home healthcare workers. The union, however, did not drop the issue, but instead put it on hold for the time being.

"There are a number of outstanding issues that are in need of further review, including the collective bargaining supersession clause," Hick's statement continued, referring to the proposal. "This clause preserves and protects basic worker rights, and that is why nearly every city in California that has ever passed a minimum wage ordinance has included these protections."

The ordinance to increase LA's minimum wage to $15 officially passed after a third vote on 10 June, with local lawmakers voting 12 to 1 in favor of the bill. The issue of collective bargaining clause was left unresolved.

Such a clause is common in ordinances and laws passed to increase local minimum wage. Similar clauses have been included in legislations passed in Chicago and Milwaukee. In California alone, such clauses were included in wage bills in San Jose, Oakland, Richmond, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Long Beach, according to the US Chamber of Commerce, a business interest lobby group.

But not all local unions are in favor of such exemptions. The ordinance passed by the city council in Seattle does not include a clause exempting union workers.

"At this point in our history, we have to be very careful to send the message that we stand up for all workers," David Rolf, president of SEIU 775 in Seattle, told the Los Angeles Times. "A wage is a wage is a wage. It's very hard to justify why you'd want any worker to make less than the minimum wage."

The exemption does not automatically mean that all workers represented by unions will be paid less than $15 an hour. It does mean that companies with unionized workforce can attempt to negotiate contracts with hourly wages lower than $15 an hour even after such wage goes into effect.

"Fifteen dollars an hour and a union is a nice marketing slogan, but unions don't actually care about the employees they seek to represent," Matt Haller, senior vice-president of communications and public affairs at the International Franchise Association, told the Guardian. "They only care about getting more union members, generating initiation fees and growing their political stranglehold over politicians. If they cared about the employees, they would refute the tactics and endorse a $15 wage irrespective of whether they are exempt or not."

The unions argue that this exemption would give them more leeway at the bargaining table when negotiating contracts with employers and could result in better benefits for the workers.

The US Chamber of Commerce released a report at the end of last year describing these exemptions as "escape clause".

"This 'escape clause' is often designed to encourage unionization by making a labor union the potential 'low-cost' alternative to new wage mandates, and it raises serious questions about whom these minimum wage laws are actually intended to benefit," read the report.

Members of the Fight for $15 movement, which is supported in large part by US unions, have on multiple occasions stated that they are fighting for $15 minimum wage as well as the right to unionize. With such an exemption, being in a union might not guarantee $15 an hour even if that is the legal minimum wage.

Kendall Fells, organizing director of the Fight for $15, told the Guardian that the movement supports $15 an hour as a minimum wage for "all workers – in LA and everywhere – and don't support anything that could undermine that".

US unions have invested heavily in the Fight for $15 movement – in terms of manpower, time and resources. A press release issued by the International Franchise Association earlier this year claimed that SEIU spent $18.5m in 2014 on the Fight for $15 campaign. An analysis by the anti-union non-profit group the Center for Union Facts found that SEIU had paid $1.3m to Berlin Rosen, a public relations consultants firm handling press for the Fight for $15 protests, up from $848,000 in 2013 and $393,000 in 2012.

When speaking with the Guardian on 15 April, Mary Kay Henry, international president of the SEIU, said that the Fight for $15 campaign was worth the investment.

"There is not a price tag you can put on how this movement has changed the conversation in this country. It is raising wages at the bargaining table. It's raised wages for eight million workers," she said. "I believe we are forcing a real conversation about how to solve the grossest inequality in our generation."

SEIU national office did not respond to the Guardian's request for comment in time for publication.

Even if SEIU is not actively lobbying for such an exemption to be part of the law, once in place, the workers it represents will be subject to them.

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Average US vehicle age hits record 11.5 years

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AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

DETROIT (AP) -- In the age of Apple's CarPlay, a lot of cars on the road still have tape decks.

The average vehicle in the U.S. is now a record 11.5 years old, according to consulting firm IHS Automotive, a sign of the increased reliability of today's vehicles and the lingering impact of the sharp drop in new car sales during the recession.

Drivers behind the wheel of older cars aren't enjoying some of the latest advanced safety features or infotainment systems that effectively turn cars into cellphones on wheels. Then again, they don't have to worry about hackers finding their way in to the car's computer network through the cassette or CD player.

IHS said U.S. registrations grew to a record 257.9 million cars and trucks this year, up 2 percent from a year earlier.

The average age of vehicles has been climbing steadily since IHS began tracking the number in 2002. As quality and reliability have improved, people have been holding on to their cars and trucks for longer. The average length of ownership for a new vehicle is now almost 6.5 years, IHS said. For a used vehicle, it's five years.

Cars and trucks now have the same average age, says Mark Seng, IHS Automotive's global aftermarket practice leader. For many years, cars had shorter lifespans than trucks, but their quality has now caught up.

Experts say there's no rule for how long to hold on to an old car or truck. A car with good reliability can go for 200,000 miles or more, which can easily last a decade for some motorists, says Doug Love, a spokesman for Consumer Reports.

The magazine doesn't recommend driving older cars without two key safety features introduced more than a decade ago: electronic stability control and side curtain air bags.

The aging car population could mean that Americans will be slow to adapt safety and semi-autonomous features that have car company executives and experts heralding a new age of the automobile. Adaptive cruise control arrived in the U.S. market in 2006, for example, but nine years later only 6 percent of all cars have it, according to a recent report from Boston Consulting Group. It will also take longer for much-hyped advances like CarPlay - which gives drivers access to their apps through the dashboard - to become commonplace.

But Seng says the auto industry should take heart. Even though the average vehicle age shows no sign of reversing, it is starting to plateau, since buyers have returned to the car market in big numbers. Sales of new cars rose from 12.7 million in 2011 to 16.5 million last year and are expected to reach or exceed 17 million this year. IHS thinks the average vehicle age will hit 11.6 years in 20 16 but won't climb to 11.7 years until 2018.

Seng says that's a more normal rate than the industry saw in the years after the recession. Vehicle age increased rapidly between 2008 and 2013, since more people were keeping older cars. In 2008, the average age of cars and trucks in the U.S. was 10 years; by 2013, it was 11.4 years, or 14 percent higher.

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As the world mourned Cecil the lion, five of Kenya’s endangered elephants were slain

I feel like poaching could be solved by educating people on the fact that ivory doesn't have any special, magic healing powers. That's stupid.

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University of Cincinnati officer charged with murder in shooting of Samuel Dubose during a traffic stop.

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A University of Cincinnati police officer went to jail on murder charges Wednesday after his own body camera video showed him shooting an unarmed motorist in the head during a traffic stop.

Ray Tensing is the first officer in Cincinnati to face murder charges for killing someone in the line of duty.




Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters tells the media that University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing will be charged with murder. Tensing shot and killed Samuel DuBose during a traffic stop July 19. The Enquirer/Carrie Cochran

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