
To sunset the PATRIOT Act, over 10,000 web sites are now blacking out access to Congress, redirecting to the naked photos of indignant NSA protestors.

Everyone focuses on the NSA, but there's tons of heinous stuff in the patriot act:

  • Sneak and Peak searches: The PATRIOT Act broadened the government's power to search an individual's home without telling her until weeks or months later, and to do so in any criminal case.

  • Access to Sensitive Business Records: The PATRIOT Act gave the FBI nearly unlimited power to obtain business records, including sensitive files like medical, library and bookstore records, with a secret court order issued with no factual showing of need.

  • Monitoring of Email and Web Surfing: The PATRIOT Act extended to the Internet the already broad authority to monitor transactional (non-content) information about communications with very little justification. A record of every call you make and every email you receive offers a full picture of your life, even without the contents.

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