George Zimmerman suffered minor injuries in a shooting incident in Lake Mary on Monday afternoon, according to Lake Mary police.

Update: Will charges be filed in Zimmerman shooting?

The shooting involving Zimmerman and a man identified as Matthew Apperson, of Seminole County, occurred on Lake Mary Boulevard about 12:45 p.m., police said.

Raw video: Matthew Apperson blows cigarette smoke in camera

Zimmerman flagged down an officer shortly after the incident, police said.

"At this time, the investigation has proven that George Zimmerman was not the shooter," Lake Mary Police Department spokeswoman Bianca Gillette said.

Zimmerman was hit in the face with glass and debris and has since been released from Central Florida Regional Hospital, according to police.

Raw video: Bullet hole in window of Zimmerman's vehicle

"He walked normally into the ambulance, so he wasn't being helped or nothing," said witness Ricardo Berrare. "They actually backed up the ambulance next to his driver side so he could walk into the door."

Chopper 2 video showed a bullet hole in the passenger window of the vehicle Zimmerman was in.

Witness video: George Zimmerman gets into ambulance

"The officer was talking to him through the back window because the other one had a hole in it. It was all shattered," Berrare said.

Also see: Many looks of George Zimmerman

Kenneth Cornell, who works at the nearby Cyrus Diagnostic Imaging, said Apperson ran up to him about 1 p.m. saying he had just shot George Zimmerman.

Cornell said he called 911 and handed the phone over to Apperson.

"He said it was a road rage incident, that they were driving down the street and George pulled a gun on him," Cornell said.

Witness: Man said 'I just shot George Zimmerman'

Lake Mary police said Zimmerman and Apperson have an ongoing dispute and were involved in an altercation in September, when Apperson accused Zimmerman of trying to kill him while on the road.

"Law enforcement will do their job. They'll decide what charges to file. I'm confident George will not be charged. It doesn't surprise me this fellow would say (that) George waived a gun or did something. He's in a lot of trouble. That's a very serious crime," said Don West, Zimmerman's attorney. "You know, the circumstances would suggest that if he didn't want to kill him, he certainly didn't care if he did."

West said Zimmerman had recently moved out of Florida was in town for Mother's Day. He was on his way to a doctor's appointment before the alleged shooting.

"George was driving down the road on Lake Mary Boulevard. This guy was sort of following him and flashing lights and such. (Zimmerman) decided to get away from him, decided to make a U-turn. And this guy made a U-turn right behind him and then pulled up alongside him and shot at him," West said.

Apperson has not been arrested or charged with the shooting.

"I am extremely confident that this will show (Apperson) acted in self-defense" said Mark NeJame, Apperson's attorney.

Apperson's family also spoke out about the incident.

"I just trust that the justice system is going to work in this case. Matt is a good man and I'm sorry this is happening to him," said Apperson's mother, Janet White.

"I know that the truth will prevail," said Apperson's wife, Lisa Apperson.

Several of Apperson's neighbors said he is a good guy, but one woman, who asked not to be identified, called him unpredictable and strange.

Raw video: Matthew Apperson outside Lake Mary PD

"I don't know what the future holds for anybody. I just know over the last two months he's changed a lot. And even though I don't speak to them, I can tell in his actions," a neighbor said.

Police plan to release Apperson's 911 call Tuesday, but they do not plan to release body camera footage from responding officers at this time, Gillette said.

No other injuries were reported.

In January, Zimmerman was accused of assault by his girlfriend, but no charges were filed after she recanted her allegation.

He was also arrested in November 2013 on domestic violence allegations after his girlfriend called police. His girlfriend later recanted her story, and charges were never filed.

Zimmerman was acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2013.

See photos from Lake Mary shooting scene involving George Zimmerman

Photos: George Zimmerman injured in Lake Mary shooting, police say
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Ricardo Vergara