
Freddie Gray died after head slammed into bolt in police van: report

The Baltimore man whose death in police custody sparked riots and nationwide protests, suffered the fatal injury when his head slammed into a bolt in the back of a police van after his arrest, a report said Thursday.

Freddie Gray

Footage of Freddie Gray in police custody.

The probe into Freddie Gray's death — which occurred while he was still in custody seven days later — found no evidence that his devastating spinal-cord injuries were caused during his April 12 arrest, which was captured on camera, ABC News affiliate WJLA reported, citing multiple sources.

The sources had been briefed on the findings of a police investigation that was handed over to prosecutors on Thursday as well as preliminary reports from the Medical Examiner's Office.

They said the ME found that Gray, 25, broke his neck and that a wound to his head matched a bolt in the rear of the van, the Washington, DC, station reported.

What exactly caused Gray to slam into the back of the van was unclear. The officer who was driving has not yet given a statement to authorities.

It was also unclear whether Gray himself caused the injury — as another prisoner in the van had reportedly told investigators.

That prisoner said he thought Gray "was intentionally trying to injure himself," The Washington Post had reported.

He told investigators that Gray "was still moving around, that he was kicking and making noises" up until the van arrived at the police station. He did not see Gray, because the van had a partition.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said the other suspect also said the van's driver did not speed, make sudden stops or drive erratically.

The news came as evidence emerged showing the van made an unexplained additional stop — between the first and second stops — while bringing Gray to the station.

A camera outside a small grocery recorded the stop. Its owner, Jung Hyun Hwang, said two officers visited his store during the week of April 20 and later made a copy of the surveillance video.

Hwang said he did not review the video with police and didn't know what was on it. His original recording, he said, was on a laptop that was stolen during the riots and looting Monday night.

Police had previously said the van stopped only three times, including to put leg cuffs on Gray and to pick up another prisoner.

The state Attorney's Office will review the police findings and the results of its own investigation, then decide whether to seek criminal charges against any of the six cops involved.

All six were suspended following Gray's April 19 death.

Billy Murphy, lawyer for Gray's family, said his clients wanted a thorough investigation.

Protesters rally in front of the State Attorney's office in Baltimore.Photo: AP

"Let's be patient. The family wants patience. The family is not interested in a rush to justice . . . Patience, people," he said, according to The Baltimore Sun.

Gray, who had a history of non-violent arrests for drugs and other charges, was busted April 12 after he ran from cops while on probation. He was found to be carrying a switchblade.

Batts on Thursday provided no details of what was in the report and did not take questions at a news conference announcing its completion a day earlier than the Friday deadline he had set.

"I understand the frustration. I understand the sense of urgency . . . That is why we have finished it a day ahead of time," said Batts, adding that more than 30 detectives were assigned to the case.

Batts said cops would continue investigating at the direction of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

"Getting to the right answer is more important than speed," the commissioner said.

Mosby stressed that her office was conducting its own probe.

"We are not relying solely on their findings but rather the facts that we have gathered and verified. We ask for the public to remain patient and peaceful and to trust the process of the justice system," she said.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake vowed on Thursday that the city would get justice for Gray, who was black.

"If, with the nation watching, three black women at three different levels can't get justice and healing for this community, you tell me where we're going to get it in our country," she said, referring to herself, Mosby and new US Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Meanwhile, a 10 p.m.-to-5 a.m. curfew will remain in effect through the weekend, Batts said.

On Thursday evening, dozens of protesters marched through Baltimore's downtown area, though no violence was reported. Police and National Guard presence remained heavy.

Police also said more than half of the 201 people detained in Monday's riots had been released because charges couldn't be filed within the 48-hour time limit.

Cops were reviewing video and hope to bring charges against many of those who were released.

They also said that 98 officers were injured in the violence, and that 43 required hospital treatment. Thirteen are out on medical leave while 15 are assigned to light duty, they said.

With AP

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Six-year-old meat served to Tennessee students, manager told cook to cover it with gravy to give it a better taste

ROGERSVILLE, TN (WATE) – The Hawkins County school system is responding to the revelation that children were served old meat at school cafeterias. The meat had been in the freezer for several years before being served last week. It's not clear if it was tainted.

Michael Herrell is a concerned parent and Hawkins County commissioner. He received a picture on Thursday of pork roast from a cafeteria cook at Joseph Rogers Primary School, the only school in the county that didn't serve the pork roast to students that had a date from 2009.

Tennessee old meat in the lunchroom

"They go to school, and that might be the only meal they get all day long, and it just very upsets me that these kids are going to school to get that meal. It just didn't go over well with me when I heard we were feeding these kids meat that's dated 2009," said Herrell.

Herrell says a cook at Cherokee High School also told him the meat was bad, but was told by the manager to cover it with gravy to give it a better taste.

The USDA guidelines for quality and taste for roast are between four and 12 months. Steve Starnes, Hawkins County director of schools, says they plan to follow these guidelines and implement new procedures.

"We also began inventory on all of our frozen food items to make sure. We're not only going to be incorporating the package date, but also the delivery date on our inventory items to make sure we know exactly when those items came in," said Starnes.

Starnes also says from this point on, each school will have random inspections quarterly. He says inspections will take place at two schools at a time to make sure inventory is running properly and this incident doesn't happen again.

Starnes says he's unsure how meat that old was still in all schools freezer, but inventory started Wednesday, checking all frozen food items. He also says there have been no complaints of any student getting sick

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NJ Cop shoots and kills dog after jumping fence into wrong backyard with gun drawn. Witnesses claim cover-up.

WYCKOFF — The 25-year-old son of the homeowners whose dog was killed by a Wyckoff policeman investigating a burglary at the wrong address said Thursday that he has doubts about the police department's version of the events leading up to the dog's death.

Otto, a 5-year-old German Shepherd, was fatally shot by a Wyckoff police officer on Wednesday, April 29.

Photo courtesy of Vukobratovic family

Otto, a 5-year-old German Shepherd, was fatally shot by a Wyckoff police officer on Wednesday, April 29.

Igor Vukobratovic, son of the homeowners Goran and Zana, said he arrived home Wednesday about 4:30 p.m. to find police already at his house.

Otto, a 5-year-old German Shepherd, was fatally shot by a Wyckoff police officer on Wednesday, April 29.

Photo courtesy of Vukobratovic family

Otto, a 5-year-old German Shepherd, was fatally shot by a Wyckoff police officer on Wednesday, April 29.

The police told him there was a report of a burglary at his house, and that "they'd shot my dog."

He walked into the backyard, he said, to find his 5-year-old, 85-pound purebred German shepherd Otto lying against a wall, shot and bleeding.

"The animal control asked me to help put him on a blanket so they could carry him out. He looked at me, and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't believe that they'd just shot my dog," Vukobratovic said. "I had to pick him up ... and carry him, bleeding, to the truck. The last thing he saw was me."

At the animal hospital, they told Vukobratovic that Otto had been shot twice — once in the back, and once in the side. One bullet had gone through his lungs. The vets put a hole in Otto's chest so he could breathe, but a bullet fragment had hit his heart, and he later died, Vukobratovic said.

Vukobratovic said he thought there were several discrepancies between the official story and what's been told to him by his neighbors at 621 Lawlins Ave, who called the burglary in. They placed the officer farther from the dog when he shot him and said that the shooting occurred in a different part of the yard, Vukobratovic said.

Those neighbors were not home when the Record knocked on their door Thursday morning.

The Vukobratovic family has not yet spoken with the Police Department about the incident, but will eventually, he said.

Wyckoff Police Chief Benjamin Fox said that the home address had been misunderstood by the responding officer, Patrolman Kyle Ferreira, when it was called over the radio, and when he repeated the wrong address back to the dispatcher, he wasn't corrected.

"A large, growling German Shepherd lunged out the open window, bit the officer on his right foot and latched onto his boot," Fox said.

The chief said the officer fired his gun four times to get the dog to release his foot, and two of the bullets hit the dog. Ferreira was uninjured in the dog attack, the chief said.

Fox said police learned in a subsequent investigation that the homeowner had routinely left the rear window open as a pet door, to allow the dog to let himself in and out of the house.

Fox also said that there is information on social media stating that eyewitness accounts differ from the police version, but his officers haven't been able to locate those witnesses despite canvassing the neighborhood. Several officers were out on Lawlins going house to house Thursday morning.

"If there's people who are saying somebody saw something different, we're looking for that person. And we don't have them yet," he said. "I don't believe these people exist, quite frankly, but we're going to attempt to do it."

No disciplinary action has been taken against Ferreira, who Fox said is "extremely disturbed" about the incident. It was a series of small errors, Fox said, that even placed the officer in the property.
"We're bothered by this. I hate that this happened," he said.


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Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was ‘banging against the walls’ during ride

A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray "banging against the walls" of the vehicle and believed that he "was intentionally trying to injure himself," according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate's safety.

The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner's version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.

Gray was found unconscious in the wagon when it arrived at a police station on April 12. The 25-year-old had suffered a spinal injury and died a week later, touching off waves of protests across Baltimore, capped by a riot Monday in which hundreds of angry residents torched buildings, looted stores and pelted police officers with rocks.

The death of 25-year-old Baltimore resident Freddie Gray is sparking demonstrations and riots in the city. Take a look at Gray's past and the video that shows his arrest just days before his death. (The Washington Post)

Police have said they do not know whether Gray was injured during the arrest or during his 30-minute ride in the van. Local police and the U.S. Justice Department both have launched investigations of Gray's death.

Jason Downs, one of the attorneys for the Gray family, said the family had not been told of the prisoner's comments to investigators.

"We disagree with any implication that Freddie Gray severed his own spinal cord," Downs said. "We question the accuracy of the police reports we've seen thus far, including the police report that says Mr. Gray was arrested without force or incident."

Baltimore police said they will wrap up their investigation Friday and turn the results over to the Baltimore state's attorney's office, which will decide whether to seek an indictment. Six police officers, including a lieutenant and a sergeant, have been suspended.

Capt. Eric Kowalczyk, chief spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department, declined to comment on the affidavit, citing the ongoing investigation. The person who provided the document did so on condition of anonymity.

The affidavit is part of a search warrant seeking the seizure of the uniform worn by one of the officers involved in Gray's arrest or transport. It does not say how many officers were in the van, whether any reported that they heard banging or whether they would have been able to help Gray if he was seeking to injure himself. Police have mentioned only two prisoners in the van.

Events leading to Gray's arrest and hospitalization

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts has admitted flaws in the way officers handled Gray after they chased him through a West Baltimore housing project and arrested him. They said they later found a switchblade clipped to the inside of his pants. Batts has said officers repeatedly ignored Gray's pleas for medical help and failed to secure him with a safety belt or harness in the back of the transport van.

Video shot by several bystanders has fueled the rage in West Baltimore. It shows two officers on top of Gray, putting their knees in his back, then dragging his seemingly limp body to the van as he cries out.

Batts has said Gray stood on one leg and climbed into the van on his own.

The van driver stopped three times while transporting Gray to a booking center, the first to put him in leg irons. Batts said the officer driving the van described Gray as "irate." The search warrant application says Gray "continued to be combative in the police wagon."

The driver made a second stop, five minutes later, and asked an officer to help check on Gray. At that stop, police have said the van driver found Gray on the floor of the van and put him back on the seat, still without restraints. Police said Gray asked for medical help at that point.

The third stop was to put the other prisoner — a 38-year-old man accused of violating a protective order — into the van. The van was then driven six blocks to the Western District station. Gray was taken from there to a hospital, where he died April 19.

The prisoner, who is in jail, could not be reached for comment. No one answered the phone at his house, and an attorney was not listed in court records.

Batts has said officers violated policy by failing to properly restrain Gray. But the president of the Baltimore police union noted that the policy mandating seat belts took effect April 3 and was e-mailed to officers as part of a package of five policy changes on April 9, three days before Gray was arrested.

Gene Ryan, the police union president, said many officers aren't reading the new policies — updated to meet new national standards — because they think they're the same rules they already know, with cosmetic changes. The updates are supposed to be read out during pre-shift meetings.

The previous policy was written in 1997, when the department used smaller, boxier wagons that officers called "ice cream trucks." They originally had a metal bar that prisoners had to hold during the ride. Seat belts were added later, but the policy made their use discretionary.

Ryan said that until all facts become clear, he "urged everyone not to rush to judgment. The facts as presented will speak for themselves. I just wish everyone would take a step back and a deep breath, and let the investigation unfold."

The search warrant application says that detectives at the time did not know where the officer's uniform was located and that they wanted his department-issued long-sleeve shirts, pants and black boots or shoes. The document says investigators think that Gray's DNA might be found on the officer's clothes.

Keith L. Alexander contributed to this report.

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Dallas officer fired after pointing gun at his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend

Aaron Tolerton

Aaron Tolerton

Dallas Officer Aaron Tolerton was fired Wednesday after allegedly pointing a gun at his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend last month in Farmers Branch.

Tolerton, 29, is facing a possible aggravated-assault-with-a-deadly-weapon charge for the confrontation. The alleged off-duty gun-toting, in which nobody was hurt, came more than a month after Tolerton fatally shot a man, who police say was driving a pickup directly at him, while on duty.

Tolerton's ex-girlfriend wrote in an application for a protective order — which a judge denied – that Tolerton, who she had previously dated for eight months, was confessing his love to her in text messages March 28, 2015.

She said she asked him to stop and turned off her phone. When she turned the phone back on, she said she saw numerous text messages from Tolerton, saying he was on his way to see her and talk.

"This made me very afraid," she said.

She said she and her new boyfriend were walking from the parking garage to her apartment when Tolerton stopped his car in front of them and blocked their way out. He pulled a gun, they said.

"I could not believe that this person who I had never met would pull a gun on me," the boyfriend said in his application for a protective order.

She said her boyfriend stepped in front of her and asked something to the effect of "you're a cop and you are going to shoot me?"

The boyfriend said he saw Tolerton's badge, prompting the question.

Tolerton then said "no," and put his gun away, they said. He also allegedly asked them not to call police — they said they had to — and put the gun back in his car. Farmers Branch police showed up. They cuffed Tolerton, but then let him go.

The woman said she didn't believe Tolerton knew the new boyfriend would be there and just came to talk to her.

Tolerton's chain of command recommended that he be fired, but Chief David Brown delayed the decision last week after a judge denied the protective orders.

Police said in a statement that the investigation "also concluded that Officer Tolerton carried a secondary weapon he was not qualified to carry."

Tolerton, who was hired in 2009, has the right to appeal his termination.

More than a month earlier, Tolerton had fatally shot Desmond Luster Sr., 45, while working security at a gas station in southeast Oak Cliff.

Luster, who neighbors say was fed up with being burglarized, was driving his truck, chasing down youths who he believed had broken into his home. Dispatch tapes gave a description of a man firing a gun out of the pickup window at young men who were fleeing.

Tolerton, who was in uniform, ran out to deal with the activity and grabbed one of the suspects to arrest him. Luster allegedly jumped the curb and was driving directly at Tolerton and the suspect. Tolerton fired through the windshield, killing Luster. Police have surveillance video of the incident.

The shooting remains under investigation. Former District Attorney Craig Watkins is representing Luster's family for possible civil action.

Tolerton's attorney did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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One of ISIS’s most devoted female agents has been exposed as a Seattle journalism student

Not alone ... @_UmmWaqqas posted this photo on Twitter with friends. Picture: Twitter, vo

Not alone ... @_UmmWaqqas posted this photo on Twitter with friends. Picture: Twitter,, @_UmmWaqqas Source: Supplied

Moira Geddes reveals the truth about social media and Islamic State.

A YOUNG student from Seattle has been revealed as a senior female ISIS agent responsible for recruiting women to join the terror group.

On Twitter, she is known as @_UmmWaqqas, and is pictured shrouded head-to-toe in black; an inscrutable and high-ranking officer of ISIS who boasts more than 8000 followers online, and is in close contact with the British, Americans and the jihadi brides in Syria.

Channel 4 News has since revealed her identity as a woman in her 20s who went to school in the US, and by her friends' accounts grew up as a regular teenager in a Western world.

Although her official Twitter account has been suspended, @_UmmWaqqas' tweets are available on Favstar, an online service that tracks Twitter and its usage.

ISIS's most dangerous female agent

ISIS recruit ... She is known as @_UmmWaqqas, and is always shrouded head-to-toe in black. Picture: Twitter, The Independent Source: Supplied

The news site discovered the woman's identity by closely reading Tweets pertaining to her "offline" world, and matching the pictures she posted on Twitter to popular locations in Seattle. Eventually, they were able to identify @_UmmWaqqas's movements, based on a timeline of her events and her activities, as well as tracking her name on Facebook.

Although it is not possible to confirm that she was the sole operator of the account for the three years it existed, @_UmmWaqqas is thought to have played a significant role in persuading young women to join ISIS, often posting "inspirations" quotes, practical advice about leaving for ISIS-occupied regions and a willingness to convert people to Islam.

According to Channel 4 News, the Twitter account has had multiple user names attached to it — such as @Rawdah_Abdi and @Rodaa27 — and identical images uploaded to multiple social networks in a short space of time, which gave away @_UmmWaqqas real name on a Facebook profile, also under one of the usernames.

Recruiting for ISIS ... An example of the conversations @_UmmWaqqas has had on Twitter wi

Recruiting for ISIS ... An example of the conversations @_UmmWaqqas has had on Twitter with other women wanting to join the terror group. Picture: Twitter, Channel 4 News, @_UmmWaqqas Source: Supplied

News Corp Australia has chosen not to use the woman's name.

Her posts on Twitter include quotes such as: "5 things that cure the heart: 1. The company of good people 2. Koran 3. Re-evaluating yourself 4. Qiyyam 5. Crying at Dawn — Ibn Qayyim" and:

"The greatest thing that a man can do for a women is to bring her closer to Allah".

Her account has been one of the most popular among ISIS supporters — particularly women — and has publicly supported the horrific murder of Jordanian pilot (who was locked in a cage and burnt alive) tweeting: "an eye for an eye if you ask me!", and: "I now get why they caged the man & then poured concrete on him ... Whenever the Muslims are bombed in their homes they have nowhere to run".

Other tweets shared ISIS documents guiding people on how to emigrate, and is reportedly listed as a contact for recruits in a travel document explaining the best methods for reaching territories held by Isis in Syria.

Wanted ... @_UmmWaqqas is reportedly listed as a contact for recruits in a travel documen

Wanted ... @_UmmWaqqas is reportedly listed as a contact for recruits in a travel document explaining the best methods for reaching territories held by Isis in Syria. Picture: Twitter, Channel 4 News, @_UmmWaqqas Source: Supplied

However, some of @_UmmWaqqas' tweets also reflected distinctly westernised values such as a fondness for the Super Bowl, eating pizza and going to the gym with her friends.

American hobbies ... Despite her radical tweets, @_UmmWaqqas was still interested in the

American hobbies ... Despite her radical tweets, @_UmmWaqqas was still interested in the Super Bowl, Picture: Twitter, Channel 4 News, @_UmmWaqqas Source: Supplied

"I'm actually lost for words", one school friend, who wished to stay anonymous, told Channel 4 News.

"The [girl] you are referring to is a childhood friend." The tweets, the friend said, "sound a little to extreme to be honest … this is so weird."

It appears that watching extremist lectures on her laptop helped radicalise @_UmmWaqqas, and even inspired her to change her journalism major.

Radicalisation in process ... @_UmmWaqqas watched countless extremist lectures on her lap

Radicalisation in process ... @_UmmWaqqas watched countless extremist lectures on her laptop, based on the pictures she posted on Twitter. Picture: Twitter, Channel 4 News, @_UmmWaqqas Source: Supplied

Although friends have confirmed it is her account, they were unable to say where she was at the time of the report.

It appears that @_UmmWaqqas has shrouded herself in secrecy, operating under several different usernames and from different locations.

In the past, the ISIS operator has claimed to be Dutch and Finnish, and has declined to comment on questions asking if she was an American. The investigation found her Twitter account was accessed as recently as March, but friends told Channel 4 that she had moved away, perhaps to Saudi Arabia or Denver, Colorado.

When Channel 4 News contacted her, she wrote back that the media did not care about Syria because "they get paid by the Jewish isrealis [sic] to keep their mouth shut about certain topics".

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NASA researchers confirm enigmatic EM-Drive produces thrust in a vacuum

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A group at NASA's Johnson Space Center has successfully tested an electromagnetic (EM) propulsion drive in a vacuum – a major breakthrough for a multi-year international effort comprising several competing research teams. Thrust measurements of the EM Drive defy classical physics' expectations that such a closed (microwave) cavity should be unusable for space propulsion because of the law of conservation of momentum.

EM Drive:

Last summer, NASA Eagleworks – an advanced propulsion research group led by Dr. Harold "Sonny" White at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) – made waves throughout the scientific and technical communities when the group presented their test results on July 28-30, 2014, at the 50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference in Cleveland, Ohio.

Those results related to experimental testing of an EM Drive – a concept that originated around 2001 when a small UK company, Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd (SPR), under Roger J. Shawyer, started a Research and Development (R&D) program.

The concept of an EM Drive as put forth by SPR was that electromagnetic microwave cavities might provide for the direct conversion of electrical energy to thrust without the need to expel any propellant.

2015-04-19-005958This lack of expulsion of propellant from the drive was met with initial skepticism within the scientific community because this lack of propellant expulsion would leave nothing to balance the change in the spacecraft's momentum if it were able to accelerate.

However, in 2010, Prof. Juan Yang in China began publishing about her research into EM Drive technology, culminating in her 2012 paper reporting higher input power (2.5kW) and tested thrust (720mN) levels of an EM Drive.

In 2014, Prof. Yang's papers reported extensive tests involving internal temperature measurements with embedded thermocouples.

It was reported (in SPR Ltd.'s website) that if the Chinese EM Drive were to be installed in the International Space Station (ISS) and work as reported, it could provide the necessary delta-V (change in velocity needed to perform an on-orbit maneuver) to compensate for the Station's orbital decay and thus eliminate the requirement of re-boosts from visiting vehicles.  Despite these reports, Prof. Yang offered no scientifically-accepted explanation as to how the EM Drive can produce propulsion in space.

2015-04-19-010043Dr. White proposed that the EM Drive's thrust was due to the Quantum Vacuum (the quantum state with the lowest possible energy) behaving like propellant ions behave in a MagnetoHydroDynamics drive (a method electrifying propellant and then directing it with magnetic fields to push a spacecraft in the opposite direction) for spacecraft propulsion.

In Dr. White's model, the propellant ions of the MagnetoHydroDynamics drive are replaced as the fuel source by the virtual particles of the Quantum Vacuum, eliminating the need to carry propellant.

This model was also met with criticism in the scientific community because the Quantum Vacuum cannot be ionized and is understood to be "frame-less" – meaning you cannot "push" against it, as required for momentum.

The tests reported by Dr. White's team in July 2014 were not conducted in a vacuum, and none of the tests reported by Prof. Yang in China or Mr. Shawyer in the UK were conducted in a vacuum either.

The scientific community met these NASA tests with skepticism and a number of physicists proposed that the measured thrust force in the US, UK, and China tests was more likely due to (external to the EM Drive cavity) natural thermal convection currents arising from microwave heating (internal to the EM Drive cavity).

However, Paul March, an engineer at NASA Eagleworks, recently reported in's forum (on a thread now over 500,000 views) that NASA has successfully tested their EM Drive in a hard vacuum – the first time any organization has reported such a successful test.

To this end, NASA Eagleworks has now nullified the prevailing hypothesis that thrust measurements were due to thermal convection.

2015-04-26-182409A community of enthusiasts, engineers, and scientists on several continents joined forces on the EM Drive forum to thoroughly examine the experiments and discuss theories of operation of the EM Drive.

The quality of forum discussions attracted the attention of EagleWorks team member Paul March at NASA, who has shared testing and background information with the group in order to fill in information gaps and further the dialogue.

This synergy between contributors and NASA has resulted in several contributions to the body of knowledge about the EM Drive.

The group has given consideration to whether the experimental measurements of thrust force were the result of an artifact. Despite considerable effort within the forum to dismiss the reported thrust as an artifact, the EM Drive results have yet to be falsified.

After consistent reports of thrust measurements from EM Drive experiments in the US, UK, and China – at thrust levels several thousand times in excess of a photon rocket, and now under hard vacuum conditions – the question of where the thrust is coming from deserves serious inquiry.


The applications of such a propulsion drive are multi-fold, ranging from low Earth orbit (LEO) operations, to transit missions to the Moon, Mars, and the outer solar system, to multi-generation spaceships for interstellar travel.

Under these application considerations, the closest-to-home potential use of EM Drive technology would be for LEO space stations – such as the International Space Station.

2015-04-19-010224In terms of the Station, propellant-less propulsion could amount to significant savings by drastically reducing fuel resupply missions to the Station and eliminate the need for visiting-vehicle re-boost maneuvers.

The elimination of these currently necessary re-boost maneuvers would potentially reduce stress on the Station's structure and allow for a pro-longed operational period for the ISS and future LEO space stations.

Likewise, EM drive technology could also be applied to geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites around Earth.

For a typical geostationary communications satellite with a 6kW (kilowatt) solar power capacity, replacing the conventional apogee engine, attitude thrusters, and propellant volume with an EM Drive would result in a reduction of the launch mass from 3 tons to 1.3 tons.

The satellite would be launched into LEO, where its solar arrays and antennas would be deployed. The EM-drive would then propel the satellite in a spiral trajectory up to GEO in 36 days.

2015-04-19-010251Moving out from LEO, Mr. March, from NASA EagleWorks, noted that a spacecraft equipped with EM drive technology could surpass the performance expectations of the WarpStar-I concept vehicle.

If such a similar vehicle were equipped with an EM Drive, it could enable travel from the surface of Earth to the surface of the moon within four hours.

Such a vehicle would be capable of carrying two to six passengers and luggage and would be able to return to Earth in the same four-hour interval using one load of hydrogen and oxygen for fuel cell-derived electrical power, assuming a 500 to 1,000 Newton/kW efficiency EM Drive system.

While the current maximum reported efficiency is close to only 1 Newton/kW (Prof. Yang's experiments in China), Mr. March noted that such an increase in efficiency is most likely achievable within the next 50 years provided that current EM Drive propulsion conjectures are close to accurate.

Far more ambitious applications for the EM Drive were presented by Dr. White and include crewed missions to Mars as well as to the outer planets.

Specifically, these two proposed missions (to Mars and the outer planets) would use a 2 MegaWatt Nuclear Electric Propulsion spacecraft equipped with an EM Drive with a thrust/powerInput of 0.4 Newton/kW.

With this design, a mission to Mars would result in a 70-day transit from Earth to the red planet, a 90-day stay at Mars, and then another 70-day return transit to Earth.

According to Dr. White, "A 90 metric ton, 2 MegaWatt nuclear electric propulsion mission to Mars [would have] considerable reduction in transit times due to having a thrust-to-mass ratio greater than the gravitational acceleration of the Sun (0.6 milli-g's at 1 Astronomical Unit)."

Furthermore, this type of mission would have the added benefit of requiring only a "single heavy lift launch vehicle" as compared to "a current conjunction-class Mars mission using chemical propulsion systems, which would require multiple heavy lift launch vehicles."

Presenting at the "Human Outer Solar System Exploration via Q-Thruster Technology" panel at IEEE, 2014, Mr. Joosten and Dr. White explained that "only 12 days would be utilized spiraling up from a 400 km low Earth orbit to achieve escape velocity and only 5 days spiraling down to a 400 km low Mars orbit."

While these spiral trajectories around Earth would have to be carefully designed to avoid or minimize time in the most problematic regions of the Van Allen radiation belts that could expose crewmembers to undesirable levels of radiation, Mr. Joosten and Dr. White note that "These relatively rapid transits would argue for mission strategies where the 'Q-Ship' (EM Drive ship) operates between the lowest orbits possible to minimize the launch requirements of crew and supplies from Earth and lander complexity at Mars."

Moreover, this type of EM Drive-enabled mission could negate the need to bring along, for the duration of the mission, a high-speed reentry vehicle to return a Mars crew back to the Earth's surface because "By quickly spiraling into Earth orbit at the end of the mission, the crew could readily be retrieved via a 'ground-up' launch.

"While the fast Mars transits that Q-Thruster technology [EM drive] could enable would be revolutionary, the independence from the limitations of departure and arrival windows may ultimately be more so," added Mr. Joosten and Dr. White.

This means that an EM drive ship mission could be designed without consideration of the every-two-year interplanetary conjunction launch windows that currently govern Earth-Mars transit missions and could help stabilize and provide more routine Mars crew rotation timetables.

This same elimination of inter-planetary conjunction-enabled launch windows would be applied to crewed missions to the outer planets as well.

For such a mission, such as a crewed flight to the outer planets – specifically, a Titan/Enceladus mission at Saturn – an EM Drive would allow for a 9-month transit period from Earth to Saturn, a 6-month in-situ mission at Titan, another 6-month in-situ mission at Enceladus, and a 9-month return trip to Earth. This would result in a total mission duration of just 32 months.

However, EM drive applications are not limited to Mars or outer solar system targets.

Applications of this technology in deep space missions have already received conceptual outlines.

In particular, the Alpha Centauri system, the closest star system to our solar system at just 4.3 lights year's distance, received specific mention as a potential mission destination.

Mr. Joosten and Dr. White stated that "a one-way, non-decelerating trip to Alpha Centauri under a constant one milli-g acceleration" from an EM drive would result in an arrival speed of 9.4 percent the speed of light and result in a total transit time from Earth to Alpha Centauri of just 92 years.

However, if the intentions of such a mission were to perform in-situ observations and experiments in the Alpha Centauri system, then deceleration would be needed.

This added component would result in a 130-year transit time from Earth to Alpha Centauri – which is still a significant improvement over the multi-thousand year timetable such a mission would take using current chemical propulsion technology.

The speeds discussed in the Alpha Centauri mission proposal are sufficiently low that relativity effects are negligible.

Bringing EM Drives to reality:

While such mission proposals are important to consider, equally as important are the considerations toward development of the needed technology and procurement long-lead items necessary to make this power technology a reality.

Specifically, a useful EM Drive for space travel would need a nuclear power plant of 1.0 MWe (Megawatts-electric) to 100 MWe.

2015-04-19-010710While that sounds significant, the U.S. Navy currently builds 220 MW-thermal reactors for its "Boomer" Ohio class ICBM vehicles.

Thus, the technology to build such reactors is available, and the technology needed to build such a device for space-based operations has been around since the 1980s.

The limiting factors for further testing and development of this potentially revolutionary space exploration technology are funding to verify and characterize its operations, and the political will to develop nuclear power for space applications.

Progress Update:

On April 5, 2015, Paul March reported at's Forum that Dr. White and Dr. Jerry Vera at NASA Eagleworks have just created a new computational code that models the EM Drive's thrust as a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic flow of electron-positron virtual particles.

These simulations explain why in NASA's experiments it was necessary to insert a high density polyethylene (HDPE) dielectric into the EM Drive, while the experiments in the UK and China were able to measure thrust without a dielectric insert.

The code shows two reasons for this: 1) the experiments in the UK and China used (unlike the ones in the US) a magnetron to generate the microwaves and 2) the experiments in the UK and China were performed with much higher input power: up to 2.5 kiloWatts, compared to less than 100 Watts in the US experiments.

In the US tests, microwave frequency generation was controlled via a voltage-controlled oscillator whose signal was passed to a variable voltage attenuator. The tests performed in the UK and China used, instead, magnetron microwave sources (as used in home-use microwave ovens) for their experiments.

The magnetron generates amplitude, frequency and phase modulation of the carrier wave (FM modulation bandwidth on the order of +/-20 MHz, at tested natural frequencies of ~2.5 GHz).  Dr. White's computer simulation shows that the modulation generated by the magnetron results in greater thrust force.

2015-04-19-010503Dr. White's computer analysis also shows that increasing the input power focuses the virtual particle flow from near omnidirectional at the low powers used in the NASA experiments, to a much more focused jet like beam at the higher power (kilowatts as compared to less than 100 Watts) used in the UK and China experiments.

The simulation for the 100 Watts input power (as used in the latest tests at NASA) predicted only ~50 microNewtons (in agreement with the experiments) using the HDPE dielectric insert, while the 10 kiloWatts simulation (without a dielectric) predicted a thrust level of ~6.0 Newtons.  At 100 kiloWatts the prediction is  ~1300 Newton thrust.

The computer code also shows that the efficiency, as measured by the thrust to input power ratio, decreases at input powers exceeding 50 kiloWatts.

A note of caution is that Dr. White's simulations do not assume that the Quantum Vacuum is indestructible and immutable.  The mainstream physics community assumes the Quantum Vacuum is indestructible and immutable because of the experimental observation that a fundamental particle like an electron (or a positron) has the same properties (e.g. mass, charge or spin), regardless of when or where the particle was created, whether now or in the early universe, through astrophysical processes or in a laboratory.

Another reason is that the Quantum Vacuum is assumed to be the lowest possible (time-averaged) energy that a quantum physical system may have, and therefore it should not be possible to extract momentum or energy from the Quantum Vacuum.

Due to these predictions by Dr. White's computer simulations NASA Eagleworks has started to build a 100 Watt to 1,200 Watt waveguide magnetron microwave power system that will drive an aluminum EM Drive shaped like a truncated cone.

Initially a teeter-totter balance system will be used in ambient conditions to see if similar thrust levels (0.016 to 0.3 Newton) as reported in the US and China can be reproduced at NASA with this approach.

For the last three years, Dr. White's team has been conducting experiments to find out whether it is possible to measure, with an interferometer, a distortion of spacetime produced by time-varying electromagnetic fields.

The ultimate goal is to find out whether it is possible for a spacecraft traveling at conventional speeds to achieve effective superluminal speed by contracting space in front of it and expanding space behind it.  The experimental results so far had been inconclusive.

During the first two weeks of April of this year,  NASA Eagleworks may have finally obtained conclusive results.  This time they used a short, cylindrical, aluminum resonant cavity excited at a natural frequency of 1.48 GHz with an input power of 30 Watts.

2015-04-26-182647This is essentially a pill-box shaped EM Drive, with much higher electric-field intensity, aligned in the axial direction.  The interferometer's laser light goes through small holes in the EM Drive.

Over 27,000 cycles of data (each 1.5 sec cycle energizing the system for 0.75 sec and de-energizing it for 0.75 sec) were averaged to obtain a power spectrum that revealed a signal frequency of 0.65 Hz with amplitude clearly above system noise.  Four additional tests were successfully conducted that demonstrated repeatability.

One possible explanation for the optical path length change is that it is due to refraction of the air.  The NASA team examined this possibility and concluded that it is not likely that the measured change is due to transient air heating because the experiment's visibility threshold is forty times larger than the calculated effect from air considering atmospheric heating.

Encouraged by these results, NASA Eagleworks plans to next conduct these interferometer tests in a vacuum.

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US officials call on administration to reveal details about the TPP


Feb. 24, 2015: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP)

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is asking President Obama to make public classified information in the international trade deal that he's asking Congress to 'fast track' -- the latest incident in which the populist, first-term Democratic senator appears critical of the president's relationship with Wall Street and big business.

At issue is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, known as the TPP -- a significant deal with 11 Pacific Rim nations that aims to create a free trade zone in the Asia-Pacific region.

A letter dated Saturday and co-signed by fellow Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, was written in response to Obama's suggestion that critics of the TPP, specifically Warren, were wrong about the trade deal and "dishonest" when they claim the TPP is a secret deal.

However, Warren and Brown argue in the letter that by deeming the draft text classified and from public view, the Obama administration has, in fact, made the deal secret.

"As a result of your administration's decision, it is currently illegal for the press, experts, advocates, or the general public to review the text of this agreement," the letter says.

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