
New Zealand politician hit in the face with a flying pink dildo. "That's for raping our sovereignty. That's for raping our country, because of the TPPA and selling away our rights and our freedom,"

If you thought you were having a bad day, spare a thought for New Zealand politician Steven Joyce.

The economic development minister had a dildo thrown at him on Friday. The large, pink sex toy was launched by a woman in the crowd as Joyce spoke to media in Waitangi. She hit him squarely in the face. Such aim takes skill.

"That's for raping our sovereignty. That's for raping our country, because of the TPPA and selling away our rights and our freedom," the angry, penis-wielding woman screamed, referring to the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was signed yesterday in New Zealand.

Luckily, Joyce could see the funny side of being hit with a pink rubber penis. "Fair to say I don't think those sorts of things happen everyday," he told reporters after the incident. "We actually thought it was a little bit humorous at the end of it all … new experiences in politics everyday, it's the privilege of serving."

Yep, not everyone has the privilege of experiencing a fake penis to the head in life.

Image: YouTube

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